What Shoes for Walking and Standing all Day?

Shoes that have padded insoles, or even better, removable insoles that can be replaced with orthopedic versions are perfect for walking on concrete. This is because they will offer you the support and comfort needed to alleviate the shock you take when standing for long periods on hard floors. Traction is always important in a shoe as it is what keeps your feet stable and planted solidly on the ground.
Related Review: See these shoes for standing all day.
Can you buy Smart Dress Shoes to walk on Concrete?
There are a number of great shoes on the market that will cater for people who need to dress smartly for work, but work in areas where walking or standing on hard concrete floors is a norm. A shoe with a leather upper that is well constructed is a good option for a man. No matter if you choose a lace-up version of the shoe or a slip-on, comfort, support and style need not be an issue in a great work shoe for walking on concrete with.
Do Trail Shoes get Ruined when Walking on Concrete a Lot?
Trail shoes are not designed for the hard surfaces of a concrete floor. They are designed to be used outdoors on grass, sand or other surfaces such as tar. Concrete has no give in it. It is not flexible and forgiving and therefore a shoe, such as a running or a trail shoe might not last as long as a work shoe. Work shoes are designed to be able to cope with these hard surfaces.
They generally have thicker and more pliable soles to give them a durability when working in factories, hospitals and more. They are designed to absorb the pressure of walking on these surfaces and they also are able to cope with the abrasion that comes from these types of surfaces making them a lot more durable than trail shoes in this environment.
What are the Top Athletic Shoes for Standing all Day?
When you are working in a job that requires you to stand all day long on a hard concrete floor, you will require a shoe that will keep your feet comfortable and stable throughout the day. Standing all day long will definitely take a toll on not only your feet but your legs, ligaments, and muscles as well. No matter how old or young you are you are vulnerable to developing severe foot problems, back problems as well as bone, or muscle issues if you are not wearing the correct footwear to protect your feet.
There are many different styles of work shoes out there that will cater for you to be able to stand or walk for long periods on concrete floors and other hard surfaces. One of the most popular of these styles is the athletic styled lace-up shoe. Below we list some of the main qualities you should look for in a great athletic-styled shoe for walking or standing on concrete all day long.
Extra cushioning on your shoes is needed if you are going to wear athletic styled shoes. The cushioning should be spread throughout the shoe and not concentrate only on the heel and toe region. Most running shoes will have great support on the heel and toe as this is where most of your impact happens when doing this activity.
However, when you are standing or walking for long periods the shock is distributed throughout your foot equally and the cushioning and shock absorbing qualities of the shoe should reflect this. The Dansko Women’s walking shoe Elise Oxford Sneaker is a great example of a good athletic styled shoe to walk or stand on concrete with a thick sole and superb shock absorption in order to get the comfort and support you need from your shoe.
The inserts in your shoe are of extreme importance here. Having an insole or footbed that you can remove and replace with your own orthopedic insoles is first prize. However, there are shoes that have adequate support and cushioning in them to not need to have your own put in. The fact that they are removable as in the Asics Men’s walking shoe GEL-Tech Walker Neo 4 allows you to replace them with a standard one without needing a specific orthopedic one, as and when they get worn out. These are obtainable from most of your drugstores and shoe stores.
See related review: Men’s Shoes for Standing Up all day.
The outsole of your shoe is important for a number of reasons. Firstly they provide you with the stability you need. They should be slip-resistant and be able to protect you from debris on the floor you are walking on. Next, they provide another level of cushioning. Thick soles that are pliable would be a good choice and then finally they offer durability. Concrete is a very hard surface, wearing the thinner soles of running shoes would not last very long on a concrete floor when being worn every day for your work.
The material used in making the shoe should be breathable and supportive of your foot and ankle. The outsole will usually be made from rubber and the uppers from leather and synthetic. Breathability is very important as if your foot cannot breathe it will tend to get sticky and slippery in the shoe and your foot will no longer remain stable inside the shoe allowing the insoles to do their work for you.
Having the correct shoe that fits perfectly will go a long way to avoiding all the pain and suffering that goes along with walking or standing on hard concrete floors all day long. A shoe that offers the cushioning and shock absorption you need is essential when you work in environments such as these. There are many stylish shoes designed to keep your feet safe and supported throughout the day, along with the sneaker styled athletic shoes that also do a great job.